Introduction / Beyond the scales....


Copenhagen X

Presentation du site:

Copenhagen X is a project of the Danish Architecture Centre funded by a partnership between Realdania, Frederiksberg Municipalityand the City of Copenhagen.
Copenhagen X facilitates and disseminates information on urban development, building projects, architectural visions and innovation in the Danish capital. We open people’s eyes to changes in the city.
Copenhagen X conveys a digital presentation of the capital’s development at and publishes an annual printed guide.
Copenhagen X issues invitations to debates and informational events, and our work cuts across demarcation lines and traditions. We create dialogue between professionals and laypeople.
Copenhagen X organizes tours around the city, giving citizens and visitors an opportunity to get to know the capital’s new urban areas, marketplaces, squares, cultural institutions and housing and so on.
Copenhagen X was set up in 2002 and will continue until 2012.

Voir particulièrement les visites touristiques proposées:
en podcast:
en vélo:

et le fim sur youtube:

par Stéphanie Paraiso

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